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When? Started: 1993 Who? Started with staff and friends from U H S, Chester. Organiser: Martyn Harris We walk every Wednesday and Saturdays, New Years day and May Day. How many walk? Walks take place as long as there are at least 2 wanting to walk on that day. More walk on a Wednesday than on a Saturday. Most ever: 29. Current group size walking: 2-7 in mid-week and 2-4 on Saturday. Where do we walk? Saturday: Anywhere in North and Mid-Wales, Peak District, Shropshire and the Long Mynd and as far North as the Trough of Bowland. Thursday: Anywhere within about 40 miles of Chester. Type of walk: Distance: 6 – 14 miles (but usually under 10 miles). Climb: up to 4000’ (but usually very much less!). People involved on walks in 2024:- Martyn Harris, Fran Murphy, Sue and Michel Pelissier, Mike Dodd, David Savage,, Ed Meads, Nigel and Elaine Taylor, Winston Feather.

Saturday 24 June 2023

South Stack and Around Holyhead Mountain 24th June 2023.

The small bay north west of Soldiers Point  the start of our walk.
Looking southwest towards Holyhead Mountain in cloud / mist.
I think there is a Lifeboat out there!
That's definatelu a Lifeboat.
Rescue nearly done.
Common spotted orchid.
Distant views still not very clear.
North stack in the "mist".
On guard at the "explosives" store.
South Stack in the "mist".
A few Guillemots on the cliffs at South Stack.
Blue skies above Holyhead Mountain.
Essention work being done, but what does mark - a well?
An Irish Ferry leaves Holyhead.
An Irish Ferry leaves Holyhead.
Walk stats: 8.1 miles. Climb: 1316’.
Time: 4 hours 52 minutes. On the move walking average: 2.1 m.p.h. Overall walk average: 1.7 m.p.h.
Temperature - 17.8 Celsius at the start. Max - 24.7 Celsius. Minimum – 15.6 Celsius.
Wind Force: Max – 5 (a 22 m.p.h. Fresh Breeze).
Group: Martyn and Ed.
This wasn’t the best day for trying to see birds or trying to take their photo. Cloud /mist accompanied us throughout most of the day and the strong wind made it difficult keeping your binoculars or camera steady.
The top of Holyhead Mountain was decked in cloud / mist, although we could still hear that some people were climbing the rock face, even though we didn’t see them until much later in the afternoon.
There were lots of people at South Stack, most trying to spot a Puffin, but some were visiting the Lighthouse. The disappointment today was that there was no live filming of the Puffins that you usually see in Ellin’s Tower.
Lunch was taken at South Stack, where two bench seats provided good vantage points once the mist started to lift a little and we could see the sea!
The return route from Ellin’s Tower took us via the impressive cafe and visitor centre where we were grateful to take advantage of the facilities.
The inland route back to the start involved a little more road walking than we would have liked but at least most of the cars passed us leaving at least a metre between us.
Birds seen or heard today included: Stonechat, Jackdaw, Red billed chough, Great cormorant, Herring gull, Common blackbird, Meadow pipit and Great black backed gull, Guillemot, Black billed magpie, House sparrow, Barn Swallow, Oysteratcher, Common pheasant and maybe a Puffin.
Overall an enjoyable walk, helped by the wind that kept us cool despite the forecast being >85% humidity. The wind despite being pretty strong all day, never felt cold and in the main was a bonus.


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