Walk stats: Distance: 8.9 miles; Climb: 2159'.
Time: 4 hours 42 minutes; Walking average: 2.5 m.p.h.; Overall walk average; 1.9 m.p.h.
Group: Martyn, Richard, Celia, Sylvia and Dave J.
The group at one time looked as though it could have been up to eleven, but in the end for one reason and another only five actually went on the walk. The weather forecast was for light rain throughout, but fortunately after lunch the weather cleared up, and we finished the walk in pleasant walking conditions, cool and with ever improving distant views. This walk has a lot to offer and some of the wilder moorland areas little visited were traversed. perhaps another walk to be considered for a repeat during the Summer.
Mynydd Mynllod at just over 1200' isn't the biggest peak in the world, but it did over quite extensive views in all directions. Route descriptions weren't always easy to follow and again we had to resort to the GPS to get back on track. Finding a protected lunch spot proved somewhat difficult, and lunch was eventually taken rather late than planned on the side of an access track to a nearby farm.
Throughout the walk Celia was itching to get to the top of anything that remotely looked like a peak, whether or not it was an actual peak or we had the right of access. Only when we approached the open access area around Mynydd Mynyllod did we deliberately go off track to reach its summit and Celia got her peak!
Birds seen or heard included: Stonechat, Carrion crow, Meadow pipit, Fieldfare, Raven, Buzzard, Blackbird, Robin, House sparrow, Herring gull and Black-headed gull.
Only two of the group survived to take refreshments at the Cholomendy Arms where the landlady informed us that Paul had called in early. Again two excellent pints were enjoyed alongside a warming real fire.
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