About Me

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When? Started: 1993 Who? Started with staff and friends from U H S, Chester. Organiser: Martyn Harris We walk every Wednesday and Saturdays, New Years day and May Day. How many walk? Walks take place as long as there are at least 2 wanting to walk on that day. More walk on a Wednesday than on a Saturday. Most ever: 29. Current group size walking: 2-7 in mid-week and 2-4 on Saturday. Where do we walk? Saturday: Anywhere in North and Mid-Wales, Peak District, Shropshire and the Long Mynd and as far North as the Trough of Bowland. Thursday: Anywhere within about 40 miles of Chester. Type of walk: Distance: 6 – 14 miles (but usually under 10 miles). Climb: up to 4000’ (but usually very much less!). People involved on walks in 2024:- Martyn Harris, Fran Murphy, Sue and Michel Pelissier, Mike Dodd, David Savage,, Ed Meads, Nigel and Elaine Taylor, Winston Feather.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Deboroh’s Well, Moel Findeg and Around Big Covert 4th September 2024

The Memorial Stone marking site of Deborah's Well.
Heading north along the woodland edge path from Cadole
The way ahead - the first climb of the day.
Today's best view of Moel Famau
Distant view of Padeswood's Cement Works.
The start of the climb up Moel Findeg.
Getting to the top of Moel Findeg.
Distant hazy views of the Cheshire Plain from the top of Moel Findeg.
The best path from Moel Findeg to Maeshafn.
A Rabbit's view of Moel Famau.
The Rowan berries are looking good.
Even without Fran nagging us for lunch, this was the time of our lunch today.
Today's Maeshafn lunch spot.
"Oh No, not more bracken."
The delightful forest track through Big Covrt.
A sign that we hadn't noticed before today.
We obviously don't look back often enough!
More of the  delightful path through Big Covert.
Ed cleaning his boots as directed.
A fallen tree across the path leading to the Colomendy Outdoor Activities Centre.
The path leading to the Colomendy Outdoor Activities Centre.
Walk stats: 7.9 miles. Climb: 1189’.
Time: 4 hours 30 minutes. On the move walking average: 2.3 m.p.h. Overall Walk average: 1.8 m.p.h.
Temperature: 16.8 Celsius to 18.2 Celsius.
Beaufort Wind Force: Mainly 0 - 1. Calm to light air
Group: Martyn, Nigel and Ed.
A good day for walking, despite the forecast shower just at 13-50 requiring the use of waterproof jackets or umbrella.
Distant views were pretty good towards the Clwydian Hills, although somewhat hazy towards Beeston.
We all arrived at the start quite early, so we were on our way before ten, and in danger of arriving at our preferred lunch spot at the play area at Maeshafn.
We did arrive early, but still decided to have lunch as there were plenty of picnic benches to chose from and a covered shelter if the threatened rain came in early.
We did get a rain shower that lasted about 20 minutes, but the worst of it came as we were in Big Wood sheltered by the trees.
Birds seen or heard today were but included: Woodpigeon, House sparrow, Common buzzard, Black billed magpie Carrion crow, Rook, Wood nuthatch, Common chaffinch, European robin and Common blackbird.
Another good walk, and for me a bonus as when I arrived home, it was still dry and I could clean my boots outside.
The only problem was where should we go for after walk drinks. Ed didn’t look too thrilled when the Glasfryn was suggested, but perked up when I suggested the Golden Cape in Mold. This was a bonus for Ed as it was a Wetherspoon hostelry in North Wales that he hadn’t visited before. Nigel enjoyed Wakahari, a brew from the Purple Moose Brewery and Ed had a shandy made up with Abbott Ale. I Had a cup of tea followed by a coffee as we were forced to shelter there for an extra half an hour until the rain stopped and we could return to the cars without getting wet!

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