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When? Started: 1993 Who? Started with staff and friends from U H S, Chester. Organiser: Martyn Harris We walk every Wednesday and Saturdays, New Years day and May Day. How many walk? Walks take place as long as there are at least 2 wanting to walk on that day. More walk on a Wednesday than on a Saturday. Most ever: 29. Current group size walking: 2-7 in mid-week and 2-4 on Saturday. Where do we walk? Saturday: Anywhere in North and Mid-Wales, Peak District, Shropshire and the Long Mynd and as far North as the Trough of Bowland. Thursday: Anywhere within about 40 miles of Chester. Type of walk: Distance: 6 – 14 miles (but usually under 10 miles). Climb: up to 4000’ (but usually very much less!). People involved on walks in 2024:- Martyn Harris, Fran Murphy, Sue and Michel Pelissier, Mike Dodd, David Savage,, Ed Meads, Nigel and Elaine Taylor, Winston Feather.

Sunday 4 June 2017

Tegg's Nose and Macclesfield Forest 3rd June 2017

Macclesfield Forest and Shutlinglsoe from Tegg's Nose.
Investigating the stone crusher in Tegg's Nose Country Park.
Bottom's Reservoir and and Shutlinglsoe from Tegg's Nose.
Cattle grazing in Tegg's Nose Country Park.
A delightful path through Macclesfield Forest on the way to Charity Lane.
Hang gliders over Shining Tor from our lunch spot near the Charity Lane entrance 
to Macclesfield Forest.
The path to Higher Ballgreave Farm.
Looking back towards Wickinford Farm.
Looking back towards Wickinford Farm from the re-routed path over Ely Brow to Snipe House.
The informed finger post at Snipe House.
We went "This Way".
Field Forget-Me-Nots as we approached Tegg's Nose Country Park near the end of the walk.
Tegg's Nose and Sutton Common in our sights - nearly there!
Walk stats: Distance: 8.8 miles. Climb: 1740'.
Time: 6 hours 3 minutes. On the move walking average: 1.9 m.p.h. Overall walk average: 1.5 m.p.h.
Group: Martyn and Mike.
This is usually a walk that we usually do at some point during the Winter months, so doing it in Summer conditions was something new.
 In the main the weather was warm and sunny with a pleasant cooling wind at times, only clouding over for the last mile when we even felt a few drops of the wet stuff.
 Much improvements had been done along the route, with stiles replaced by kissing gates and duck boards put in one of the places that in the past were very difficult to negotiate without getting wet feet.
 As a change we decided to explore the path via Wickinford Farm and Snipe House, thankfully well signed as the path had been re-routed as it crossed a stream and went through the the wood and over Ely Brow.
 It was such a good day for walking that we really did dawdle, admiring the views and the flowers as we went.
 Lunch was taken near Charity Lane, where we took advantage of a bench with views towards Shining Tor and the Cat's Fiddle. Hang gliders performed over Shining Tor as we had lunch.
 Birds seen or heard included: Jackdaw, Carrion crow, Raven, Woodpigeon, Common chaffinch, Common blackbird, Mallard, Pied wagtail, European robin, Goldfinch, Common kestrel, Barn swallow, Rook, Skylark, Lapwing and Eurasian curlew.
 We arrived back at the car, having had an excellent walk and celebrated with a cup of tea and coffee at the Tegg's Nose Cafe before we headed home.
 Tegg's Nose and Macclesfield Forest will in future be a Summer walk and we can look forward dry mud conditions and clean boots at the end of the day!


Lizzie said...

I saw on your blog for 4th June 2017, that you have a photo titled The Path to Higher Ballgreave Farm. Higher Ballgreave was my family's farm from before 1670 to just before 1881, when two spinster sister were the only ones left to run it of that branch of the Jodrell family. I am a keen genealogist and would love to add the photo to my family tree. Please would you give me permission to add it to the history I have collected of my Jodrell ancestors that lived on that farm? I will credit your blog alongside the photo and invite you to view my tree on Ancestry, should you be interested.
Kind regards
Lizzie Hudson

Harris Hikers said...
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Harris Hikers said...

Lizzie Hudson, please feel free to add the photo of the path to Higher Ballgreave Farm to your family history involving your ancestors that lived at the farm.
Martyn Harris

Anonymous said...

I was interested in Lizzie’s comment. I’ve been doing my family history and my great grandfather ran the farm around 1910 for a few years (possibly 4). That’s all I currently know. I think it may be empty now🤷‍♂️