Walk stats: 10.9 miles; Climb: 1274' (Estimated from walk Memory Map elevation profile).
Time: 5 hours 33 minutes; On the move walking average: 2.4 m.p.h.; Overall walking average:2.0 m.p.h.
Group: Martyn, Richard, Roger and Celia.
The weather was good for walking although during the middle part of the walk the wind was a little challenging to say the least! The walk from Warslow to Upper Elkstone was full of surprises with hidden valleys and woods, quite picturesque in their own way. The views from the Merryton Low trig point were very good, especiallt towards the Roaches. In this area we spotted a group of sodiers on exercise. I wonder if they were enjoying themsekves as much as us at this point! Finding a sheltered spot for lunch was a problem today and we ended up with our backs to a stone wall on the roadside next to the Mermaid pub. sometimes you just have to make the most of any opportunity that presents itself!
We would have lingered longer at the Rey Memorial viewpoint, but one member of the group wasn't too happy!
The greatest challenge of the day was by the trig point on Under the Hill, where the wind suddenly and unexpectedly gained strength, making it quite difficult to make progress in the way you would wish!
From Upper Elkstone we decided return to Warslow along the minor roads, rather than take the footpaths across the fields.
In all a good walk.
Birds seen or heard today included:Carrion crow, Jackdaw, Rook, Blackbird, Blue tit, Great tit, Nuthatch, buzzard and Wheatear.
After walk drinks went down well at the Wilkes Head in Leek. reminding me that yes Hartington Bitter is the best pint in the world!
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