Walk stats: Distance: 8.8 miles (9 miles, if you count the walk to the Vale Inn afterwards); Climb: 1796'.
Time: 4 hours 30 minutes; Walking average: 2.4 m.p.h.; Overall walk average: 2.0 m.p.h.
Group: Martyn, Richard, Dave J. Sue and Michel P.
Time: 4 hours 30 minutes; Walking average: 2.4 m.p.h.; Overall walk average: 2.0 m.p.h.
Group: Martyn, Richard, Dave J. Sue and Michel P.
There seemed to be only a remote chance of good weather according to the weather forecast, but once again we were blessed with an excellent day. Dry, sunny but windy during the morning and more overcast in the afternoon with at one time the threat of rain that didn't materialise. Views throughout were excellent, particularly across lowland Cheshire towards Alderley Edge.
Lunch was taken at White Nancy before traversing the wonderful little ridge Kerridge, a ridge that seems to separate the industrial areas around Macclesfield with the more rural settings towards Lyme Park.
Birds seen or heard today included: Nuthatch, Robin, Blue tit, Great tit, Siskin, Bullfinch, Grey wagtail, Kestrel, Jackdaw, Rook, Woodpidgeon, Collard dove, Carrion crow, Chaffinch, Long-tailed tit, Goldfinch and Wren.
After walk drinks were enjoyed at the Vale Inn on Addlington Road, Bollington where their winter beer festival had just started. A beer called "Last Rites" was on offer. This was a very sweet rather sickly beer. The better options seemed to be the stouts and porter. Dave J prefered Slaters' Premium. Between us we sampled enough to get one pint free!
Overall an excellent day, and the only rain experienced was in the car on the way home! A great day and Man U were beaten too!
Lunch was taken at White Nancy before traversing the wonderful little ridge Kerridge, a ridge that seems to separate the industrial areas around Macclesfield with the more rural settings towards Lyme Park.
Birds seen or heard today included: Nuthatch, Robin, Blue tit, Great tit, Siskin, Bullfinch, Grey wagtail, Kestrel, Jackdaw, Rook, Woodpidgeon, Collard dove, Carrion crow, Chaffinch, Long-tailed tit, Goldfinch and Wren.
After walk drinks were enjoyed at the Vale Inn on Addlington Road, Bollington where their winter beer festival had just started. A beer called "Last Rites" was on offer. This was a very sweet rather sickly beer. The better options seemed to be the stouts and porter. Dave J prefered Slaters' Premium. Between us we sampled enough to get one pint free!
Overall an excellent day, and the only rain experienced was in the car on the way home! A great day and Man U were beaten too!
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