About Me

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When? Started: 1993 Who? Started with staff and friends from U H S, Chester. Organiser: Martyn Harris We walk every Wednesday and Saturdays, New Years day and May Day. How many walk? Walks take place as long as there are at least 2 wanting to walk on that day. More walk on a Wednesday than on a Saturday. Most ever: 29. Current group size walking: 2-7 in mid-week and 2-4 on Saturday. Where do we walk? Saturday: Anywhere in North and Mid-Wales, Peak District, Shropshire and the Long Mynd and as far North as the Trough of Bowland. Thursday: Anywhere within about 40 miles of Chester. Type of walk: Distance: 6 – 14 miles (but usually under 10 miles). Climb: up to 4000’ (but usually very much less!). People involved on walks in 2024:- Martyn Harris, Fran Murphy, Sue and Michel Pelissier, Mike Dodd, David Savage,, Ed Meads, Nigel and Elaine Taylor, Winston Feather.

Sunday 22 April 2007

The Three Lakes Walk From Llyn Aled

21st April 2007

Dave, Sylvia and Richard. are they really on the path?

Walk stats:

Distance: 11.6 miles; Climb: 1521'; Time: 5 hours 6minutes; Walking Average: 2.6 m.p.h.

Group: Martyn, Richard, Dave and Sylvia J.

Dave and Sylvia heading towards the dam crossing on the Alwen Reservoir.
Weather conditions and ground conditions underfoot were almost perfect for this walk. This time the terrain was dry and firm underfoot, and the term "boggy" never came into question. The pleasant and warm conditions did mean that good views towards Snowdonia were masked by distant haze/mist. However the birds were still singing, particularly skylarks and meadow pipits, but the bird of the the day was the wheatear. Pairs were everywhere, many giving good close views. Other birds seen or heard included curlew and buzzard. Three Canada geese (on Llyn Aled)and 3 Greylag geese (on Llyn Alwen) were also observed.
Route finding across the open moor seemed a little easier than on the the previous occasion, but we were probably using the earlier experience of our visit there to help. We didn't meet any other walkers on this route until we came to the Alwen Reservoir trail. this is a walk that I will do again, providing we can get similar conditions, a god dry spell before and a good weather on the day!
The day concluded with a good pint at the Britannia, even if they were about to celebrate St George's Day!

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